6" Wheel Rotator spare parts...

Spare Parts
Part # Type AvailabilityPrice 
SP0483Rotator motor 1/2RPMUnavailableN/A
SP0476Rotator motor 5RPMUnavailableN/A
SP0376Rotator motor 2RPM (Panoramic Rotator)UnavailableN/A
SP64.000150mm Cassette bearing (no glass)In stock £10.64Buy
SPWHLMAG6" wheel magnetic bossIn stock £2.00Buy
AURAPSUOPTI Aura Mains Adapterto order £11.00Buy

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Lead time on 'to order' items currently approx 10+ working days.

Spare motors for 6" Wheel Rotators (pre-Active Gate). Also suitable for the Wheel Safe rotators.

PLEASE NOTE: These are replacement motors and parts ONLY - not complete Wheel Rotators. See our 'Effect Rotators' section with 'Accessories' for complete rotators.

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